In 2022, Batman is called upon once again to investigate the murders of political figures around Gotham City. Portrayed by Robert Pattinson, this new take on Batman is a younger, grittier version and the film leans heavily on the detective elements of the character. This poster captures the Batman silhouetted against a blood red background with heavy rain coming down all around him. His bat symbol on his chest stands starkly against the rest of the figure. The perfect decoration for the wall of the Bat cave, get yours today!
Product Specifications
- This poster captures the Batman silhouetted against a blood red background with heavy rain coming down all around him.
- His bat symbol on his chest stands starkly against the rest of the figure.
- The perfect decoration for the wall of the Bat cave, get yours today!
Length : 20 cm |
Width : 61 cm |
Height : 92 cm |